Interested in the current state of legalization for medical cannabis, both in Maryland and across the country? Check out the following resources for real time news and information.


“The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana is a non-profit organization based in Washington, D.C., that advocates for the reform of marijuana laws in the United States regarding both medical and non-medical use. According to their website, NORML supports “the removal of all penalties for the private possession and responsible use of marijuana by adults, including cultivation for personal use, and casual nonprofit transfers of small amounts” and advocates for “the creation of a legal and regulatory framework for marijuana’s production and retail sale to adults”. NORML also has a sister organization, NORML Foundation, that focuses on educational efforts and providing legal assistance and support to people affected negatively by current marijuana laws.” [cited from:]

Marijuana Policy Project

The Marijuana Policy Project (MPP) is the number one organization in the U.S. legalizing cannabis. They have passed 13 medical cannabis laws in the past 15 years, and they ran winning campaigns in eight of the 11 legalization states. No organization in the movement has changed as many cannabis laws, impacted as many patients and consumers, created as many new markets, or done more to end cannabis prohibition in the U.S. than MPP. [cited from:]


Marijuana Moment

Marijuana Moment helps activists, industry professionals, consumers, policymakers and the public understand developments and trends affecting cannabis. In addition to Marijuana Moment’s original online reporting, we deliver a morning e-mail newsletter packed with all the latest headlines, primary source documents and analysis from across the world. [cited from:]

TRIO-Maryland Chapter, Inc. (TRIO Maryland) is an independently chartered Maryland non-profit charitable corporation. TRIO Maryland is not associated with any individual practitioner(s) or institutional health care provider(s), Medical Cannabis Dispensary, Medical Cannabis Grower(s) or Manufacturer(s). TRIO Maryland does not recommend or endorse any specific health care provider(s), physician(s), practitioner(s), tests, procedures, products, opinions or information provided at any TRIO Maryland sponsored event, presentation, conference or on the TRIO Maryland website. The content and all information provided on the website and at individual presentations and during any event sponsored by TRIO Maryland is at the sole and individual discretion and responsibility of the presenter and TRIO Maryland assumes no liability or responsibility for said information. Please consult your transplant team before making any changes or additions to your transplant regimen.