Qualifying Medical Conditions in Maryland
Currently, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC) defines medical cannabis as a treatment option for the following medical ailments and conditions:
cachexia, anorexia, wasting syndrome, severe pain, severe nausea, seizures, severe or persistent muscle spasms, glaucoma, post-traumatic stress disorder and chronic pain (taken from: mmcc.maryland.gov. (2017). Patients. [online] Available here at: [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017])
There is evidence to substantiate the use of medical cannabis for these conditions, and research is always being done to see how cannabis can be used to heal, help, and treat people every single day. Additionally, the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission states that a qualifying condition could include “another chronic medical condition which is severe and for which other treatments have been ineffective.”
Learn more on the MMCC’s website
Additionally, here are a few videos explaining some of those approved medical conditions:
How to Become a Medical Cannabis Patient
We understand that obtaining a written certification can feel overwhelming; however, the process is actually very easy and straightforward. This section helps to simplify the process of MMCC registration in Maryland, gives more context to the MMCC patient registry, and will get you headed in the right direction.
The first step is going to mmcc.gov to register online as a patient. You will be required to submit a photo along with your registration, so please see the following link for details: https://mmcc.maryland.gov/Pages/patient-ID-cards.aspx.
After registering online, you will need to wait to receive an approval email from the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC). Once you receive your approval email, you must bring your unique patient ID, which is found in your approval email to a certifying medical professional who is registered with the MMCC. For more information concerning certifying medical professionals, please go to the MMCC website.
It is important to note that process for adult and minor patients to engage the MMCC patient registry and obtain a Maryland medical cannabis card are different and require different registration processes. You may click on the links below to begin to process at the MMCC website:
- Registration for Adult Patients (Over 18 Years of Age)
- Registration for Minor Patients (Under 18 Years of Age)
- Registration Process for Caregivers serving Adult Patients (Over 18 Years of Age)
- Registration Process for Caregivers serving Minor Patients (Under 18 Years of Age)
Note: By law, minor patients are required to have at least one caregiver at all times. Those caregivers must either be the minor patient’s parents or the minor patient’s legal guardians and in either case, they must be 21 years and older. The caregiver is required to register with the MMCC prior to registering the minor patient.
The Role of Cannabis for the Medical Transplant Community/Questions
What if My Physician Won’t Register With the MCCC Due to a Possibility They May Lose Their DEA Registration?
Under the laws and regulations established in the state of Maryland, doctors are protected.
Beginning in 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice directed federal prosecutors not to prosecute physicians and patients who were complying with state law. In addition, in December 2014, Congress specifically barred the Department of Justice from spending any funds that interfere in the implementation of various states medical cannabis programs, and specifically included Maryland. Finally, in the only ruling by a high-level federal court regarding physicians recommending medical use of cannabis, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed an injunction blocking the government from interfering with the First Amendment rights of doctors and patients to speak to each other about medical cannabis, and for a doctor to recommend medical cannabis to their patient.¹
¹mmcc.maryland.gov. (2017). Laws & Regulations. [online] Available at: http://mmcc.maryland.gov/Pages/law.aspx [Accessed 3 Oct. 2017].
How Do I Speak with My Doctor About Medical Cannabis?
TRIO-Maryland Chapter, Inc. (TRIO Maryland) is an independently chartered Maryland non-profit charitable corporation. TRIO Maryland is not associated with any individual practitioner(s) or institutional health care provider(s), Medical Cannabis Dispensary, Medical Cannabis Grower(s) or Manufacturer(s). TRIO Maryland does not recommend or endorse any specific health care provider(s), physician(s), practitioner(s), tests, procedures, products, opinions or information provided at any TRIO Maryland sponsored event, presentation, conference or on the TRIO Maryland website. The content and all information provided on the website and at individual presentations and during any event sponsored by TRIO Maryland is at the sole and individual discretion and responsibility of the presenter and TRIO Maryland assumes no liability or responsibility for said information. Please consult your transplant team before making any changes or additions to your transplant regimen.